Thursday, May 13, 2010

Picasso: Themes and Variations, The Museum of Modern Art, NYC.

Picasso: Themes ands Variations
I have made my last visit to what was once known as The Museum of Modern Art, New York City. It has become nothing more now than a hyped up tourist venue down there with Times Square, the Empire State Building, and Coney Island.

On the day of my last visit, Monday, May 3rd, I discovered that if the building can comfortably accommodate one thousand visitors, they think nothing of packing in twelve to fifteen thousand people. The scene inside is a nightmare.

I was hoping to see the exhibition of Picasso prints but that gallery was so full of slowly shuffling zombies circulating in such a tight mass absolutely nothing could be seen but the wall high above the framed works.

Thinking I might catch something on the 5th Floor at the Henri Bresson exhibit I found a dead end room, sweltering with the heat of body humidity and packed as tightly as a subway at rush hour. Again, zombies.

Stopping on the way down at the early twentieth century painting gallery I merely threw myself into the surging mass, lifted my feet and let them carry me where they would.

The escalators, when you can find them, looked like scenes of the damned in Metropolis.

I would have lodged a complaint with the management but obviously they are Making Money and in America Making Money is the only measure of success. I am sure my complaint would have fallen on deaf ears. My only riposte could have been to quote H.L. Menken: No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people. But I also noticed that all of these folks were speaking in foreign tongues. So perhaps it is the triumph of the American Century…our lack of taste and our vulgar commercialization of absolutely everything is now the basis of a world culture.

Well you can have it folks. I’ve had my fill of it. There is no better example of Reagan Republican sleaze and greed anywhere… so get out there, MOMA, and drill into the deep pockets of all those globe trotting wealthy tourists …drill, baby, drill.

Absolutely nothing could ever induce me to step into this place again. Fine art venue? I don’t think so.

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